Thursday 29 May 2014

Good Time For Geeks

I do believe Jesus was misheard when he said "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". He clearly said "Blessed are the geek: for they shall inherit the earth" and inherit it they have. 

At the moment you can't escape comic books. Go to the cinema and it's superheroes all the way. Drive home and you will likely see Captain America or the X-men looking at you from a bus stop. Get home and put your telly on and slowly but surely more comic book shows are starting to appear. Even the theatre is getting in on the act with Spider-Man the musical!

Gaming has become an acceptable hobby with more people owning a gaming console then ever before. Games are starting to become more and more cinematic with trailers shown on the TV as if it were a blockbuster film. Even your grandparents can get in on the act with the OAP friendly Wii. It truly is an experience to get your arse handed to you by your grandad whilst playing a computer game.

See what I mean? It's a good time to be a geek!

But is it getting too big? Will the bubble burst? Yes it probably will as all things eventually come to an end. But for now I'm going to ride this wave and enjoy every minute of it!


  1. I am loving it! To be fair us geeks actually seem semi normal now. When in the past we would be pretty much shadowed by all. Now people come to Shane or me about video games or comics etc so they can understand the movies better or buy something for there hubby. I will ride this wave with you and hope it lasts a long long time! :)

    1. Let us all bask in the glory of all things geek!


Just be nice!