Tuesday 27 May 2014

Watching Telly On A Wet Bank Hoilday

X-Men: Days of Future Past

Well the new X-Men film is out and I'm broke so cant get to see yet. Because of this inconvenience, I don't have a lot to say about it except I hear it's the best X-film yet. I was slightly worried about it at first after seeing pictures of Quicksilver (he looks like a futuristic glam rocker), but it turns out he is one of the highlights of the film. Looking forward to Aaron Taylor-Johnson's portrayal of him in Age of Ultron and seeing which one is the better one.

I will try and write a review once I have finally seen the film. It will have a lot to live up to, since I've read the original and seen the 90's cartoon version which, is my favourite arc from the show.

Game Of Thrones

Well I was gonna write a bit about GoT but its not on this week. Arse.


Every cloud has a silver lining so with GoT not being on, it meant I got to finish season 2 of Arrow. I was taken by surprise when it first started as I'd not heard anything about it. Not being experienced in Green Arrow, I did not know what to expect. Part of me thought it might be similar in tone to Smallville. Boy was I wrong! Arrow starts off with villains being killed left right and centre as Ollie crosses them off his list. So it was a lot darker. As the show went on, my interest went up and down throughout the first season but ended on a high and the same can be said for season 2. I think the problem stems in the number of episodes there are. If they were to shorten the length of a season to say 13 - 15 episodes then there would be less filler and more killer.
But all in all its a really good show and looks set to be the first of many from the DC side of things. More on that in another post. For now I'll leave you with this...


So a little bit of news has surfaced about the Netflix original series of Daredevil. Steven S. DeKnight will serve as executive producer and show runner after replacing Drew Goddard. DeKnight has an abundance of experience when it comes to superhero shows from working on shows such as Smallville, Buffy, Dollhouse and Angel. He also has heavy connections to Joss Whedon after working with him on those last 3 shows. This could help focus the interconnectivity between the big and small screen. Drew Goddard will still be working on the show as executive producer whilst fulfilling his duties on the upcoming Sinister Six film.

I've got high hopes for this show as Daredevil is top of my pile every month. The current run from Mark Waid has been fantastic and has really brought DD back to the top of people's lists. This is my favourite book at the moment as the writing is superb and the artwork is gorgeous. If you are not already reading this book, then you need to go and have a little look.

Any way I hope your Bank Holiday wasn't as wet as mine and I'll see you in the comments.

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