Saturday, 7 June 2014

My E3 Wishlist

E3 is right around the corner and with it (hopefully) some news on whats coming soon to our next gen machines.

Here is a run through of what I want to hear:

1) A definitive answer to whether or not The Last Guardian is being released as I'm sick to death of hearing that this is the (insert gaming expo name here) that we will get a release date.
2) Assassin's Creed is NOT going to be released yearly, then I can start building up my hunger for another game rather than being force fed it like COD.
3) COD is not being made anymore so all the obnoxious little butt monkeys that play it online can now leave gaming and go back to shouting at random passing cars and licking windows.
4) All sequels are to be cancelled and only new IP will be developed for the next 2 years.

Now I suppose I better give you some more realistic announcements that I am hoping for:

1) More news on Tom Clancy's The Division. After being announced at last years E3 its all gone quiet but this needs to be out NOW

2) News on whether or not AVI, MP4, MKV and MP3 playback will be enabled on the PS4
3) Big name games coming soon to PS Plus

That's all really as I'm quite easy to please. Anyway not long now so there will be more to write about once it starts.

Smell ya later.

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