Thursday 12 June 2014

When Will The Dead Stay Dead?

I've just finished issue 3 of Marvel's latest event, Original Sin, and it has got me thinking about death in comics. It seems to me that unless your name is Thomas and Martha Wayne, Uncle Ben or Gwen Stacey, then death is never the end.

If you look at the Marvel 616 universe Jean Grey has died something like 14 times! Xavier is not far behind either. Recently we have had Nightcrawler and Peter Parker come back from the dead and with Marvel planning to kill Wolverine this year how long until he is back?

Maybe with the death in Original Sin things might change and people will stay dead. It would have more of an impact when it does happen and story lines could build up some genuine fear for the safety of our favourite supes. But we all know that money talks and the cash sure does roll in when its announced a hero will die and it rolls in again when they come back.

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