Tuesday, 17 June 2014

My Big Fat Q & A

Sorry I've not been written for a while, I've been caught up with work, family and the World Cup. I've also had a case of writers block. Because of my lack of inspiration I turned to the good people of Facebook for a helping hand. I just hope that my group are not like the majority of bat shit crazies that Internet tends to attract.

1st question is from Pete off of The Big Fat Geek Life Facebook group.

When did you first realise you were a geek?

Probably when I realised my friends were always asking me about comic book characters and I would just spiel out that character's entire life story. I think I could tell you more about most people in the Marvel Universe then I could about my own family!

If you were to slide a hotdog down the A1 how likely would it be for it to touch the sides?

Errrr yeah ok. Quite likely?!

Helena has a few:
Who would win in a fight Spider-man or Batman and why?

Easy, hands down it would be Batman. If Batman cant beat Superman like he did in Dark Knight Returns then Spider-man would be a walk in the park and also Batman would win because he is Batman.

If you could write yourself into GOT what character would you be?

I would have to be a friend of Tyrion. That man is the coolest mofo in all of Westeros and he knows how to have a good time. I would end up killed in some painful way just as everybody was starting to like me!

What level on candy crush are you on?  

Level 2 I think only played it once to see what the fuss is about. 

What's the most embarrassing (to you) TV program/series you like?

I would have to say its most of the crappy day time shows on BBC1 like Homes Under the Hammer. They have a way of drawing me in and making me want to know what happens in the end.

What makes the perfect game?

Good question.  For me it has to have a good story that pulls you in and makes you care about the characters. This doesn't have to be an all Hollywood blockbuster type story but there has to be a story of some sort. For instance Journey and Thomas Was Alone, both were simple but engaging stories that made you want to go on. Top notch graphics are not an essential, again see Thomas Was Alone, you play as different coloured blocks!

What's the meaning of life?


Most under/overrated superheroes?

Most underrated would have to be Daredevil. Prior to the disaster of Ben Affleck DD had a good few runs but after the film bombed Hornhead fell out of favour. Recently the man without fear is back riding high under the excellent guidance of Mark Waid.

Most overrated would have to be, and I afraid to say it, but its Wolverine. This is purely down to the X-men films and their overuse of Logan. Non comic book reading fans of the film believe that there is no X-men with out Weapon X. I love Wolvie I do but I think I agree with Marvel and it's time for him to take a little dirt nap. 

Well that's all from The Big Fat Geek Life Facebook group. If you are on Facebook and you would like to join the group add me (Stephen Sowden) with a little message letting me know you are from here and I'll invite you in as it's currently a secret group.

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