Sunday 1 June 2014

Marvel Dropping Fantastic Four

The Fantastic Four are the first family of Marvel. When they were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby back in 1961, they became the first of many. Now it appears their time is up. It has been reported on bleeding cool that The House of Ideas is dropping all comic book titles connected to the Fantastic Four. Not only that, but apparently instructions have been sent to sketch card artists to no longer draw the Fantastic Four or any of the supporting characters (Doom, Silver Surfer, Galactus etc).

This instruction has come from the very top with the Marvel CEO, Ike Pearlmutter being behind all of this. The reason for all this comes down to the movie rights. It appears Marvel no longer want to give Fox free advertising by producing a comic series featuring characters that Fox own the movie rights to. The X-Men also fall into this category but the sales of their books is just too high for Marvel to drop. That being said, Marvel are killing off one of the biggest X-Men, Wolverine, could that be related? There has been more emphasis on the Inhumans recently, with them seeming to be a possible replacement for mutants in the MCU.

Sony has a different relationship with Marvel over the rights to Spider-Man so it will be web-slinging as normal over there.

I can see why Marvel would do this but the history of the FF should not be forgotten. I just wish for one shared universe with all Marvel characters back where they belong.

What do you think? Are Marvel cutting off their nose to spite their face?

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