Saturday 31 May 2014

Marvel vs DC: The Movie

 I am a Marvel fanboy and the only DC stuff I've read is Batman. Now that's out of the way you can see I might be slightly biased and take anything I say that you don't agree with, with a pinch of salt.

The Avengers movie was a game changer. That moment when Nick Fury told Stark he was a part of a bigger universe, Marvel had started the long game. To be fair it was a big risk, if the films that followed Iron Man flopped only the hardcore comic book fans would've gone to see The Avengers. But as we all know, it worked. All the pieces fell into place and the MCU was born. The Avengers was a box office hit and the millions rolled in.

The kerching from The Avengers cash registers were heard by the big wigs at Warner Bros. They had the rights to make DC movies but only Batman was doing well. They tried to make Superman return but it fell flat. Next they tried Green Lantern and the less said about that, the better. All the while the Dark Knight was rising. Only Batman seemed to work and Chris Nolan had decided to bring that to a close. With no more Batman and Harry Potter also wrapping up, WB had no long-running franchise left. Cue Man of Steel.

Now I find no other superhero as boring as I find Superman. I see him as an overpowered boy scout from outer space.  With that said MoS was an okay film, so that coming from me must mean it's a good film. The money backed this statement up. So WB now have the base to build a new franchise.

At comic-con 2013 Superman v Batman was announced. Since then it has evolved into the start of the Justice League with the new subtitle Dawn of Justice added. It's now clear Warner is not going to follow Marvel and do solo films, they are clearly going to concentrate on the Justice League. This is probably the best approach looking at their history of solo films and I'm personally looking forward to it.

One last thing I've yet to talk about: Batfleck. Now I know this was a hot topic when it was first announced and I just want to put my two cents in on the subject. I have a good feeling about it. Now I know Affleck has got poor form when it comes to superheroes with his previous in Daredevil but he is a good actor. Don't believe me? Check out Argo and Hollywoodland. Besides he did the best he could with Daredevil, it wasn't all his fault the movie was poo. For me this casting has echos of Heath Ledger with the Joker. When that casting was revealed, I was not happy that the guy from 10 Things I Hate About You was going to portray my all time favourite villain, especially after Jack Nicholson had already put in a fantastic turn in the role. But Ledger ended up being the definitive Joker in my mind and completely stole the whole film.

So in summary: WB could be onto a winner with the road map they have for their films and the casting of Batfleck. This will keep Marvel on their toes and a little healthy competition never hurt anyone.

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